Page 19 - Sample_An_Pham_Ho_So_VNR500_2019
P. 19

Quy mô công ty / Company equity rating
                              Tổng tài sản (tỷ Vnd) / Total assets (billion dongs)

   18            a5 (<100)      a4 (100-500)    a3 (500-1000) a2 (1000-2000)        a1 (>2000)

                          Vốn chủ sở hữu (tỷ Vnd) / Total owner Equity (billion dongs)

                 E5 (<100)      E4 (100-500)    E3 (500-1000) E2 (1000-2000)        E1 (>2000)

               Enterprise’s financial data lies in the colored square.
               Note: The used data is updated according to the audited financial statement for the lastest fis-
            cal year.

               iV. enteRpRise’s statUs in the inDUstRy

               1. the methodology used to calculate indicators and terms used in the company pro-
            file template
               Based  on  standard  database  system  of  more  than  250,000  Vietnamese  businesses  of
            Vietnam Report, Research Team samples the 30,000 companies largest and most stable in per-
            formance  (data  is  updated  until  december  31,  2017)  to  calculate  the  industry  indicators  and
            enterprise financial indicators as the basis for Benchmarking methodology used to assess the
            enterprise’s status in the industry in the publication "Vietnam top 500 Company profiles" ver-
            sion 2019.
               The  top  30,000  business  database,  enterprises  are  grouped  under  the  2-digit-VsiC  code,
            according to Vietnam standard industrial Classification issued by the General statistics office
            under decision no. 10/2007/Qd -TTg on January 23    rd  2007.
               Note: The data used to calculate the indicators as of december 31, 2017.
               Financial indicators of an enterprise will be calculated on the database mentioned above, and
            then the corresponding indicators of the industry are calculated through median methodology.

               Các chỉ số cụ thể của ngành C10 (sample size/ median):
               n = 1282      m(Roa) = 0.98% m(Roe) = 4.67%
               VnR Research division studied 1,282 enterprises in C10 industry (manufacturing, food pro-
            cessing) then calculated the median value of Roa and RoE respectively 0.98% and 4.67%.
               the indicators used and the calculation of Vietnam Report
               indicators                                      the calculation of Vietnam Report

                                                                               after - tax profit
                                                                Roa =
               Returns on asset (Roa)                                             Total asset
                                                                               after - tax profit
               Returns on owner’s Equity (RoE)                  RoE =
                                                                                  Total equity
                                                                               after - tax profit
               Returns on Revenue (RoR)                         RoR =
                                                                                 Total revenue
                                                                                  Total asset
               Current Ratio (CR)                               CR =
                                                                                  Total liability
                                                                                 Total revenue
               asset Turnover Ratio (aTR)                       aTR =
                                                                                  Total asset
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