Page 6 - Bao_cao_Tang_truong_va_Thinh_Vuong_Viet_Nam_2019
P. 6


                 hanks  to  the  reform  efforts  for  growth  and  development,  Vietnam’s  economy
                 showed signs of prosperity and was stable in the 2017-2018 period especially in
            T2018  with  a  “record”  GDP  of  7.08%.  Besides  indicators  such  as  Gross  Domestic
            Product (GDP) growth rate, Human Development Index (HDI), income per capita, etc.,
            labor productivity index is considered one of the most important indicators related to the
            economic growth quality measurement. Specially, for a developing country like Vietnam,
            improving or increasing labor productivity is considered a vital factor to promote the devel-
            opment of the country, motivating Vietnam to catch up with the global economy. However,
            in recent years, the quality of labor productivity growth in our country has been still quite
            low compared to many countries in the region and the world.

            In such a situation, in April 2019, Vietnam Report published a bilingual report, Vietnam
            Growth & Prosperity Report 2019. The report presents comments of business leaders
            about the production and business activities in the past period, findings on the growth
            prospects of Vietnamese enterprises in the context of the regional and international inte-
            gration through a survey of Vietnam Report; and it also presents in-depth analyses of eco-
            nomic experts on the current status of labor productivity and implications of policies con-
            tributing to increasing Vietnam’s labor productivity in the coming time.

            Vietnam Report’s Editorial Board hopes Vietnam Growth & Prosperity Report 2019
            will be a useful reference for Vietnam’s business community in particular and all readers
            in general.

            Our  Editorial  Board  would  like  to  give  thanks  to  all  Sponsors:  Phat  Dat  Real  Estate
            Development Corporation, Chicilon Media Advertising Vietnam JSC, Phuc Hung Holdings
            Construction JSC, Dong Tam Group and Vinaconex JSC for the cooperation in publishing
            this Report successfully.

            We hope to receive comments and feedbacks to perfect the Report.


            Vu Dang Vinh
            cEO of Vietnam Report JSc

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